MWA - Medic West Africa 2023German Exhibitors 3B Scientific GmbH

3B Scientific GmbH

Booth number: 3.D28

About us

3B Scientific is a global company specialized in manufacturing and commercialization of medical and scientific didactic products. Our mission is to create and provide products that advance the delivery of medical, healthcare and scientific education. We focus on innovative solutions that guarantee our customers’ success, an unprecedented quality, realism, and a global support network to enhance medical and science education for a better tomorrow. With locations across the globe, we benefit from and strongly encourage cultural diversity, accountability, boldness and collaboration.


3B Scientific GmbH
Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 20
20459 Hamburg

Phone:  +49 40 739660

Contact person:

Joachim Butzlaff
Sales Manager
Phone: +49 40 73966-210

Products & Services

Clinical Examination Equipment

We offer a wide range of simulation solutions for medical education from the following areas: advanced life support, gynaecology and obstetrics, tactical casualty care, emergency and auscultation. Furthermore, we have a wide range of different and lifelike anatomical models for teaching.

ATLAS - ALS simulator

Advanced life support (ALS) includes the advanced interventions that follow basic life support (BLS) and use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). The ALS course aims to train the ALS algorithm, manual defibrillation, airway management and drug delivery during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and the treatment of peri-arrest arrhythmias.
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Simulated Patient Monitor - REALITi Go

REALITi Go is the successor system to the famous ALSi Patient Condition Simulator for paramedic and HEMS training in Advanced Life Support. The simulated patient monitor REALITi Go gives instructors a great tool for training and students an incredibly realistic platform to learn from, built off technology you use every day.

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